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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

It is an anxiety disorder where the sufferer has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. OCD affects more than 2 million people in North America. It is characterized by recurrent disturbing thoughts (obsessions) and a strong desire to do something over and over again (compulsions). The second anxiety disorder to be identified is much more common than the other anxiety disorders.


  • Unwanted and disturbing thoughts or ideas that will not go away (obsessions) such as fear of dirt and germs, getting sick from shaking hands, needing things in a specific order, thinking about harming others, including loved ones, constant need to do something, thoughts of violence.
  • Repetitive behaviors or mental acts the person feels driven to perform over and over again (compulsions). They include hand washing, counting things, checking things, touching items, and putting objects in a specific order.

Living with OCD is not an easy task, but we must not allow it to detract from our quality of life. Click Here  to access reliable professional online therapy. If you just want to share your thoughts or give feedback, kindly leave a comment.


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